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Posted: 02.04.15

Bungalows could help solve housing crisis

Bungalows could help solve housing crisis

Research by Alliance and Leicester has revealed that although just two per cent of homes in Britain are bungalows, a staggering third of the population would like to live in one – highlighting the importance of having an attractive roofline solution.

Around 35 per cent of survey respondents in Wales described a bungalow as their dream home, while interestingly an astonishing 47 per cent of 16- to 19-year-olds liked the idea of not having to use the stairs, implying that there aren’t enough bungalows to go around.

In 2009, the latest year for which figures are available, just 300 new bungalows were built, and while there is demand for housing, space is at a premium leading few developers to consider bungalows as good investments, compared with apartment blocks or retirement villages.

However while the old-style of British bungalow may be considered by many as unattractive, the architectural potential of a single storey detached home has huge scope for providing modern, desirable accommodation, as well as a route to opening up a pool of larger 2-storey housing stock.